Authentic Designer Handbags – Do They Retain Their Value?


Whenever women buy authentic designer handbags, they do it because they love the brand, the style, and the prestige of wearing an expensive bag. But is that purchase a solid investment of her money? Some women would argue that an authentic handbag is worth more than a knock-off designer purse because you can’t resell a replica and get the same price that you could with an authentic brand name.

However, let’s get back to the question: Do they retain their value? A purse is a fashion accessory. An accessory, by the sheer meaning of the word, is an item that compliments another item-in this case, either the woman or the outfit she’s wearing. If you look in your local newspaper for clothing sales, or if you happen to shop online at an auction-based business, you’ll notice that even though an authentic leather handbag is one year, five years, or even twenty years old, the buyer still commands a high price for the purse, and usually gets it if the bag is in excellent condition.

Since buying a replica of a designer name brand purse can cost you much more than imitation leather or a cloth bag, you could invest just a little more money and buy the real things. Quality handbags can never be compared in value and quality, and in the long run, you’ll own an item of value.

Like a fine watch, or a name brand silver necklace, women’s handbags are fashion accessories that are definitely considered an investment since they retain a large portion of their initial value. Compared to an item of clothing like a designer dress or a pair of shoes, an authentic brand name purse has its own set of rules.

Even though most people think of a purse as a personal item that’s worn by a woman, the fact is that purses are carried and not worn. That’s why a designer bag retains more of its resale value; the product isn’t worn on the body, which means that someone can take better care of it. If a designer bag is not thrown about and treated with abandon, a woman can expect to receive a fair value for it, should she decide to sell it in the future.

When you buy an authentic handbag, you’re making an investment into your future. In addition, you can be sure that it won’t find its way to a local donation center, where it’s turned over for a charitable receipt. Another investment feature is that when you decide to sell one of your designer purses, you can take that money and use it for purchasing a new designer bag.

In the final analysis, it is more cost-effective for a woman to purchase an authentic designer handbag than to buy a replica or knockoff of that purse. Most likely, when you own an original handbag, you will take better care of it because you know it has value, not only for today, but into the future.

Every woman wants to look her best. By beginning to fashion her wardrobe and accessories with one name brand item, she is making a sound investment, and can be better prepared for the next trend in women’s fashion.

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